The Costs of Contracting Pest Control Services in Frisco TX

From ants to Hornets to mice, the cost of pest control services varies based on the problem you are experiencing at home. Pest control is like many other home problems; you can handle some of these issues yourself. However, some pest problems require the know-how of an expert service professional.
Multiple Treatment Plans
If you are in need of pest control services on a regular basis, you can hire a service professional to visit your home once every month, two months, six months or year. The plan depends on your pest problem and your decision. Generally speaking, the cost to treat a home once a month is about $45. Treatments that are scheduled once every two months can range in price between $50 and $60. These fees will vary based on the size of your home. When a pest control professional comes once every month, there is less to do. The initial visit will require more time, but once that is complete, the service is more about maintaining control of the pests.
Some services offer a program that provides three treatments throughout the year. The cost of the first treatment is around $150, and the two other treatments are about $80. This type of program usually comes with a guarantee so if you experience any recurring problems the company will re-apply the treatment at no cost to you. These programs are effective in fighting bed bugs, crawling pests, mice, mosquitos, and termites.
Single Treatment Plans
Individual application services are available and are also based on the type of pest problem you have and the size of your home. For instance, a treatment to get rid of ants in a 1,500 square foot home would cost about $300. The same treatment for ants in a home that ranges in size between 1,500 and 2,300 feet would cost about $325. The average price cost for pest control services in the United States is about $150 for an interior problem and $215 for an exterior issue.
While there are many pest control products that you can purchase from your local hardware store, it really is more budget-friendly to arrange to have a pest control service professional treat your house regularly. Over the counter pest control products generally treat only one pest, but a pest control service program will attack a variety of pest problems.
Cost of DIY Pest Control
If you’re tired of pests in or around your home, you probably want to try to tackle the problem yourself, trying various methods.
While DIY is possible, you’re not a trained exterminator. Pesticides may be inexpensive, compared to a $200-$500 one-time charge from a professional. However, a pest control contract can be less expensive; as low as $15 per month!
DIY pest control equipment usually needs to be bought more than once since they don’t prevent pests from returning. This means you will need to keep at it. When the bugs come back, you’ll need to purchase most of your supplies again. The next thing you know, you could be in over your head!
In addition to the actual pesticide, other costly items you might need include a ladder, a sprayer and protective clothing. Play it safe and call Bug Commander for your pest control in Frisco, TX.